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Showing results 1304 to 1323 of 2085 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-01Privatization in the gulf cooperation council GCC countries: Issues and challengesKarthikbabu, K. S.
2015Problems in Multi-Modal Transportation: affecting the Exports of IndiaShrivastav, Saket
2007-05Problems of offshore production operationBodhale, Amol N.
2010-05Procedure for process hazard analysis in a petroleum refinerySingh Tomar, Satendra
2012-06Process and economical aspects of synthetic lubricantsSingh, Abhishek Kumar; Yadav, Digvijay Singh
2020-04Process automation and latest technological implication for supply chain managementMishra, Saumya
2020-01Process design execution methodology of oil & gas, petrochemicals and refinery projectsZade, Pramod Balaji
2015Process Design for Oil & Gas Separation for Offshore PlatformSaxena, Shivam; Gusain, Siddharth; Gulati, Siddharth
2010-05Process design of atmospheric crude distillation columnKambham, Sreedhar
2009-05Process design of gas dehydration unitReddy, Vithal
2020-05Process map of a ‘Unified Data Platform’ for Operational intelligence and analysis of power sector in IndiaGhosh, Pratik
2011-12Process optimization for biodiesel preparation from vegetable oils using heterogeneous catalystsSemwal, Surbhi
2009Process optimization for biodiesel production from Jatropha, Karanja and Polanga oilsSahoo, P K; Das, L M
2023-02-11Process parameters optimization of carbon nano tube based catalytic transesterification of algal oilSingh, Anna Raj; Singh, Sudhir Kumar; Singh, Varun Pratap
2013-10Processes of creating achievement orientation through co-creation of vision: A grounded theory study at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation LimitedSen, Ashis
2010-05Production and engine testing of biodieselAgarwai, Abhinav; Mahajan, Akantik; Talwar, Amarjeet; Kapoor, Nishant
2019-10Production and optimization of bioelectricity from wastewater using microbial fuel cellBose, Debajyoti
2005-05Production of chemicals/petrochemicals from natural gas - A technical studyGangavelli, Bharath Kumar
2013-01Production of green diesel from jatropha and algaePragya, Namita
2007-05Production of LNG from natural gasGajbhiye, Akashy G.