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Showing results 364 to 383 of 2055 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-05Data and feasibility design for underground gas storage systemIndras, Purvi; Srivastava, Ankit
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on engine vibration sensory dataGoswami, Ojasvi
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on vehicle on-board diagnostic (OBD) dataVasa, Yashkumar U.
2010-05Data interpretation and defect assessment in pipeline piggingK. P., Praphul
2021-12Data on Indian women entrepreneurs: an analysis of information sought through RTIRao, Bhavana
2016-04Data redundancy removal in object databases using clustering techniquesRaichaudhuri, Rittika
2022-01Daughter’s right to property in coparcenary post independence: inheritance to property past and present challenges under hindu succession lawPardhey, Nanda
2016-04Death penalty in India-issues and challengesSingh, Atisha
2022-09Deep learning based localization and segmentation of wrist fractures in bone X-raysJoshi, Deepa
2020-02Defense logistics 2.0 : A new research and strategic action to improve the supply chainJoshi, Tushar
2010-05Delamination analysis of Pre-Peg composites using FemShivani
2015-10Demand side management : Assessment of concepts, methods, need, benefits and challengesGupta, Akhilesh Babu
2019-02Design & computational analysis for satellite attitude control systems and perturbation correction analysis for nanosatellites in low earth orbit with utilization of kalman filtersM, Raja
2011-04Design & development of city gas distribution planDhanik, Himanshu; Pandey, Rohit; Kulora, Vikram
2010-05Design & development of fracturing fluid for hydraulic fracturingDubey, Naval Kishore; Nautiyal, Varun
2009-05Design & simulation of sour gas treatment plant using Sulfinol & DIPAMukhopadhyay, Prakash
2015Design and analysis of a spar beam for vertical tail of a transport aircraft: A major project reportKrishnakant, Condra; Zia, Noman; Thapa, Sanjay
2015Design and analysis of automobile radiatorBourai, Abhishek; Ghildiyal, Shivam; Bisht, Shubham Singh
2018-05Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for cloud data storage and security management in cloud computingGL, Prakash
2020-10Design and analysis of ex-vivo minimally invasive robotic system for antebrachium laceration suturing taskVerma, Varnita