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Title: Study of parameters that affect the ISO- products formation in FCC unit
Authors: Singh, Siddharth
Keywords: Chemical Engineering
ISO Products
FCC Column
Issue Date: Apr-2017
Publisher: UPES
Abstract: It has been seen in the refinery that Iso -products have major uses and its production is of utmost importance. So new units have been set up for it that cost too much for the refiner and the cost economy degrades, so the major research which we emphasis here is the production of iso products from FCC unit itself so that the cost of installing new unit is saved. So in this project we tend to find out all the parameters that effect the Iso products formation in the FCC coloumn. Out of various parameters found out two parameter that can be made change on a catalyst can be the unit cell size and the amount of rare earth as it is shown that increasing both the compound tends to isomerize more and will lead to much more formation of iso products. The other parameters like the effect of hydro treating, the extra frame work alumina, the zeolite effect all other were also been showed so that whenever we tend to form a catalyst, after the reaction modeling these properties should be checked out and thus will lead to a better catalyst formulation. Then we come to know about how the iso products can be increased in a unit by the Cracking of PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon) compounds which crack to give various products and also increases the iso products formation. The problem with these compounds are that generally they do not tend to crack easily in FCC condition so are done in hydro processing units, our aim here is to crack these compounds in the FCC condition itself so that no need of further processing of LCO (Light Cycle Oil) or CLO (Clarified Light oil) is required in hydro processing then we find out the techniques of how to crack these PAH compounds. The reaction modeling was done on to select which component and out of lot of options including the light straight run naphtha, heavy straight run naphtha, light FCC naphtha we tend to choose heavy straight run naphtha for its better capability to undergo cracking due to its long chains as compared to the light straight run naphtha. Now since the HSRN (Heavy straight run Naphtha) is found out we now tend to check the proportion in which the feed should me mixed out so that much more of a aromatic breaking mechanism is supported rather than the way through which the Naptheno Aromatics compounds revert back to form PAH. So for this the predictability of feed is seen in which the amount of aromatics should be high and the naphthenic aromatic compounds should be least, so in this order we ought to know the best feed possible, this is calculated by the K-factor and the N-D-M method and thus by this the overall ratio of mixture is thus obtained.
Appears in Collections:Post Graduate

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