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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-04Data redundancy removal in object databases using clustering techniquesRaichaudhuri, Rittika
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on vehicle on-board diagnostic (OBD) dataVasa, Yashkumar U.
2016-04Human action recognition using multi-channel spatio-temporal interest pointsPurohit, Ayush
2016-04Hand gesture recognition and tracking using image processing techniquesChauhan, Shardul Singh
2015-05Performance analysis for intrusion detection using data mining techniquesShivhare, Radhika
2014-04Enhancement in navigation system by unique taggingRajput, Gaurav Kumar
2016-04Insider trade monitoring system for corporate entities using NLP and machine learningPanga, Ravi Teja
2014-04Study on social networking mediums in IndiaVerma, Naveen
2014-04Novel approach to identify and explore under mapped locationsSamaiita, Souvik
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on engine vibration sensory dataGoswami, Ojasvi
2014-04Automatic gadget charger using coin detectionChhabra, Gunjan
2014-05Fuzzy expert system based landfill operations management advisor and capacity estimation for landfill engineeringNarayanan, Aparna
2014-04Glaucoma diagnosis using hybrid neuro-fuzzy modelSille, Roohi
216-04Smart Adjustments : A machine learning approach to automate adjustment procedures in general ledgersHermon, Glen Bennet
2015Approach for Finding Optimal K for Color Image Segmentation Using K-Means AlgorithmKirsali, Priyanka
2015Detecting Reasons of Negative Public Mood Using TwitterSah, Mayank
2015Analysis and Monitoring Of Pump and Motor Assembly Vibration to Improve Performance Through Supervised LearningAgarwal, Umang
2015Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor NetworksBathla, Reema
2015SODA-M : Schedule optimization with duplication bases scheduling algorithm for multiple workflows in cloud computingSangal, Kuber
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19