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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-12Qualitative and quantitative characterization of a synthetic jet mounted on a convex torpedo-like surface under cross-flowKumar, Abhay; Karn, Ashish
2019-08Qualitative Inter-relation between drop impacts on a solid surface and the interaction of a droplet placed inside a superheated poolKarn, Ashish; De, Rohan; Kumar, Abhay
2020-12Comfortably vented, indigenously designed (COVID) fabric helmet to curb infection spread in education, healthcare and other community settingsKarn, Asish; Deo, Shashank Singh; Singh, Raman Kumar; Kumar, Abhay
2020-03Some insights into drop impacts on a hydrophobic surfaceKarn, Asish; De, Rohan; Kumar, Abhay
2019-05On the flow physics and vortex behavior of rectangular orifice synthetic jetsKumar, Abhay; Saha, Arun K.; Panigrahi, Pradipta Kumar; Karn, Ashish
2020-08Effect of a parallel free surface upon a submerged shallow synthetic jetKumar, Abhay; Karn, Ashish
2020-05Implications of velocity ratio on the characteristics of a circular synthetic jet flush mounted on a torpedo model in quiescent and cross-flow conditionsKumar, Abhay; Saha, Arun K.; Panigrahi, Pradipta Kumar; Karn, Ashish
2021-11On the enormous enhancement in water evaporation rates obtained by employing a different polar ambientKarn, Asish; Ambs, Jonathan; Deo, Shashank S.; Vyas, Ayush; Dwivedi, Ayush; Kumar, Abhay
2021-04Mechanism of vortex bifurcation vis-à-vis axial switching in rectangular synthetic jetsKumar, Abhay; Saha, Arun K.; Panigrahi, Pradipta K.; Karn, Ashish