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Showing results 1056 to 1075 of 2085 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-04Machine learning model to identify and prevent the occurrence of adaptive thermogenesisChakradar, Madam
2008-05Machineries, equipment commissioning, C.N.G. dispensing facility and buy-off sheetsJaiswal, Sachin
2017-01Macro scopic modeling of gas production from shale reservoirsKudapa, Vamsi Krishna
2024-05Magnetic metal oxide nanoparticle decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO) film for chemiresistive volatile organic compound (VOC) sensingKumar, Vinit
2007-12Maintenance of block -3 HEEP at Bharat Heavy Eelectrical Ltd., HaridwarChaudhary, Apoorv
2007-05Maintenance of pipeline systemPandey, Nidhi; Bedwal, Seema
2023-01Major factors affecting capacity utilization of thermal power plants in IndiaTripathi, Alok Kumar
2019-10Malaysia airlines flight 370 unofficial disappearance theoriesAugustine, Johan
2020-05Management strategies & implementation plan of environmental, health & safety (EHS) plan in a rural electrification projectJoshi, Pankaj Kumar
2023-03Managing corruption risks through corporate governance : A critical study of engineering procurement and construction contracts in the oil and gas sectorRavidasan, N. S.
2019-05Managing environment risk in offshore operations in the oil and gas industryParida, Asit Kumar
2014-10Manifestation of Figures of Rhetoric in the Advertisements of Travel & Tourism IndustryAnnapurna, P L L; Kashyap, Jyoti Luxmi
2015Manufacture of sulphuric acid by oxidation of sulphur dioxideAsams, NJ; Shukla, Naman; Bhardwaj, Pramika; Goyal, Yash
2015Manufacturing aspects of lower cylinder fabrication cum transportation frame for Iter cryostatSavadi, Varun Vijay
2017-04Manufacturing of hydrogen using ethanol steam reformingGarg, Aman; Raj, Rahul; Maheshwari, Rohit
2015Mapping Trade Complentarity of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan And Sri LankaAdarsh, Naina
2013-07Market assessment of formaldehyde, melamine powder and urea formaldehyde in different industries in GujaratShakir, Adnan
2013-08Market feasibility of using cryogenic cylinders in the refrigerated and insulated trucks for fish transport at Vishakhapatnam for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Nasik-
2020-03Market potential and environmental impact of electric vehicle for sustainable mobility in IndiaKhade, Bhushan Rajkumar
2013-08Marketing challenges with "Xtrarewards" loyalty program: Consumer perspective vis-a-vis Indian Oil's channel partners' perspectiveAgarwal, Divya