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Showing results 21 to 40 of 2055 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01Aerodynamic analysis of a hypersonic vehicle with multidisk aerospikesJoshi, Sudh
2017-01Aerodynamics analysis of supersonic biplane using computational fluid dynamicsPatidar, Vijay Kumar
2014-05African crude potential in IndiaMinhas, Rhythm
2013-07African hydrocarbon industry and African countries to be focused by EILJain, Arpit
2015AFSPA(Armed Forces Special Power Act);Its Utility and Futility in the 21st CenturyGupta, Rachit
2015-12Agent based modeling and experimental studies on a 3rd generation closed cycle for improved biogas ProductionSharma, Rohit
2015-12Agent based modeling and experimental studies on a 3rd generation closed cycle for improved biogas productionSharma, Rohit
2019-10Air cargo in Indian aviation industryNair, Saumya
2012-02Air traffic control and managementFernandes, Carlton
2013-04Aircraft cabin temperature and pressure management systemSingh, Arjun Pratap; Saxena, Rajat; Verma, Sagar
2019-10Airline financial managementRaju, Bimal
2015-10Airline industry - special reference with emirates airlineAncy, George
2019-10Airline industry commitment to passenger's satisfactionA. R. S., Ashik
2019-10Airport check in facility - safety issues behind the checking processShajhan, Shajina
2020-05Airport customer servicesSharma, Aastha
2015-10Airport ground handlingInas, Iqbal
2019-10Airport logistics - modeling and optimizing the turn-around processAnaz, Mohammad A.
2015-10Airport privatization in IndiaCristin, Babu
2019-10Airports - Big, bigger, biggestJohn, Jomol
2018All Questions (Part 2) 2018- BBA-