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Showing results 1998 to 2017 of 2085 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-11Synthesis and characterization of Ni3AL based hard and protective coatingsTiwari, Sunil Kumar
2021-01Synthesis and characterization of vitrimeric materials: Impact of nanofiller on self-healing and thermomechanical propertiesBalaji, K.
2015Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition using Co-MCM-41 as a catalystSharma, Adit; Sharma, Anubhav; Sharna, Pushpa; Subramanian, Vibhav; Singh, Vikesh
2024-05Synthesis of nano-sized metal carbides and its application in methane dehydro-aromatizationSaini, Simratjeet Singh
2024-05Synthesis of nanostructured carbonaceous material from waste tyre: a strategic approach towards “trash-to-treasure”Mishra, Shruti
2017-04Synthesis, characterisation and evaluation of zeolites for hydrocarbon conversionAli, Abu Taher
2015-02Synthesis, Characterization and Studies of Structural Properties of Mixed Ligand PhotoluminescentZn(II)/Cd(II) Coordination PolymersParmar, Bhavesh; Bisht, Kamal Kumar; Suresh, Eringathodi
2013Synthetic estimators using auxiliary information in small domainsPandey, Krishan K; Rai, P K
2011-05System design of multi product pipelineBalaji, R.
2016-06Systematic transformation approach from requirements to design engineering for web applicationsSrivastava, Sangeeta
2007-05Task based risk assessment for single completion oil wellhead installationGeorge, Alex C
2015Taxation of CompaniesMaheshwari, Akshay
2023-01-02Technical analysis of a large-scale solar updraft tower power plantSingh, Varun Pratap; Dwivedi, Gaurav
2010-05Techno economic study on casing drillingTripathi, Ajit
2005-05Techno-economic study of natural gas pipeline from Rajmundry to MumbaiGanachari, Gangadhar S.
2008-05-12Techno-economic study on underbalanced and overbalanced drillingSudharshana, K. J.
2007-07Technologies for propylene maximizationSharma, Rahul
2019-11Technology role for natural gas valorizationDarekar, Nilesh
2005-05Telemetry & SCADA system in gas pipelines - Problems and solutionsTayal, Gaurav
2012-03Temporal and spatial assessment of water quality of major rivers of Uttarakhand: Impact of sewage and industrial effluentKansal, Ankur