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Showing results 1141 to 1160 of 2085 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-05-13Modelling of rotary fuel injector to enhance SWIRL & turbulence in combustion chamberKaushal, Ashutosh; Dutt, Kunal; Ansari, Rizwan Akhtar
2017-07Modelling optimization and implementation of sensor nodes to authenticate ignition of two wheelerAnita
2014-06Modelling simulation and optimization of dehydration and desalting processYusuf, Tarique Mohammad
2021-01Modern corporate insolvency regime in India: A reviewSingh, Vijay Kumar
2011-03Modification and evaluation of fuel injection system for IDI diesel engine fueled with Jatropha Straight Vegetable Oil (JSVO)Tripathi, Raj Kishore
2019Monopoly to competition in Indian power sector And its impact on utilitiesGupta, Gyan Prakash
2016-12-14More than a BIT of protectionismRanjan, Prabhash; Anand, Pushkar
2008-05Multi modal transportation in India : Overcoming the challengesBiswal, Soumya
2020-09Multi-objective performance optimization of microstrip patch antenna for wide-band applicationsMishra, Raj Gaurav
2019-11Multi-state logic for computationVerma, Amit
2021-05-24Multifunctional theranostic nanoparticles for biomedical cancer treatments - a comprehensive reviewKandasamy, Ganeshlenin; Maity, Dipak
2010-05Multilateral well completion and its applicationsChirag, Parekh Yash; Vijay, Shah Pinkesh
2015-04Multiobjective optimization of a multinodal gas pipelineArya, Adarsh Kumar
2016-04-22Municipal solid waste management waste to energyReddy, G. J. P. Kumar
2024-05Nanocellulose based hydrogel for cosmetic applicationGupta, Aarsi
2002Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big IdeaRatner, Mark; Ratner, Daniel
2007-05Naphthenic acid corrosion in refineriesJoshi, Rohit
2007-05Natural gas liquefaction process and optimizationMehra, Anuradha; Bahuguna, Malvika
2007-05Natural gas liquefaction process and optimizationMehra, Anuradha; Bahuguna, Malvika
2010-05Natural gas liquid recoverySingh, Sanjay; Singh Ralhan, Gursimran