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Showing results 1020 to 1039 of 2085 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Laboratory Study of Drilling Fluid on HTHP WellsSudharsan, J
2016-10Late quaternary landscape evolution along the Indus river : responses to the climate and tectonics of Ladakh HimalayaKumar, Anil
2015Law & Policy on FDI in IndiaSaggi, Luv
2015Law & Policy on FDI in IndiaSaggi, Luv
2020Law and practice of ground water conservation; with specific reference to the State of Uttar PradeshVerma, Ashish; Dimri, Shikha
2016-04Law of arrest and rights of arrested person- a critique in light of judicial pronouncementsKulhara, Shimona Singh
2015Law on Medical Negligence: An AnalysisChakraborty, Arundhati
2009-05Layers of protection analysis and fire safety designing in pipeline installation, SMPL ViramgamAlok, Sumit
2019-11Leadership styles on subordinate performance in DABSHashemi, Bibi Khaironnesa
2015Leagile Supply Chain in E-Commerce: Case Study of Flipkart.comJain, Kompal
2019-06Learner modeling using learner characteristics for implementation of adaptability and personalization in intelligent tutoring systemKumar, Amit
2020-08Learner-centric knowledge-based tutoring engine with dynamic profiling and pedagogical recommendation for seismic data interpretationSingh, Ninni
2015-10-26Legal aspects of multilevel marketing in India: negotiating through murky watersAnand, Pushkar; Babu, R. Rajesh
2015Legal Control of Cyber CrimesAgarwal, Harshita
2015Legal Control of Cyber CrimesAgarwal, Harshita
2015Legal Framework for Transmission of Electricity in Under Electricity Act, 2003Aman, Ashwani
2015Legal Framework for Transmission of Electricity in Under Electricity Act, 2003Singh, Ajeet
2015Legal Framework of the Oil and Gas Sector in India (Issues and Challenges)Mehta, Ragini
2016-04Legislative approaches towards environmental PollutionJugran, Aditi
2018Library AutomationThakur, Ranjan