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Showing results 1 to 20 of 159  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Acquisition of Oil and Gas AssetsGarg, Mahak
2017Advent of generic medicines in India to facilitate right to healthcare: whether or not in conflict with patent lawsDobhal, Aishwarya
2015AFSPA(Armed Forces Special Power Act);Its Utility and Futility in the 21st CenturyGupta, Rachit
2016-04Analogical study to determine the parameters of abuse of dominant position in Indian jurisdictionChawla, Karan
2015Analysis of RSS Feed: Comparison Of India And United States With Respect To Copyright LawsSrivastava, Shivani
2016-04Analysis the stringent troika conditionality regime as a respond to greece debt crisis.Singh, Arpit
2017Anti-dumping law: Need for reformDwivedi, Shaili
2013-04Application of the UN convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISC) to e-contractsSrivastava, Sneha
2015Bail is the Rule,Jail ExceptionSingh, Hemant
2023-10Barriers in solar energy regime: a comparative analysis of India and Germany legal frameworkPachauri, Yatish
2015Bio Medical Research: Legal and Ethical IssuesJoshi, Rakshit
2016-04Bride trafficking in IndiaMalik, Trishla
2015Business Connection And Permanent EstablishmentAgrawal, Aman
2016-04Capital Punishment : Rebuttal to the Law Commission of IndiaSingh, Vijeta
2017Challenges posed by digitalization and internet on Copyright LawGeorge, Jesny
2016-11Civil liability for deficiency in medical services with special reference to surgical treatments: a critique of consumer protection act, 1986Sunitha, K.K
2016-04Commercial aviation: the legal travails of automation , future shock and the zen of machine take overSampath Kumar, K P
2021-10Community service sentence as an alternative mode of punishment in India - analysis of the potential and feasibilitySharma, Udit Raj
2015Compensatory Tariff in Power Sector: A Critical AnalysisSingh, Harshvardhan
2016-04Competition Commission and SEBI Take Over Code Interface in Mergers & AcquisitionsPant, Shashank