Browsing by Subject Artificial Neural Network

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-04Automatic gadget charger using coin detectionChhabra, Gunjan
2016-04Computational model for management of wildlife reserves in IndiaShanu, Saurabh
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on engine vibration sensory dataGoswami, Ojasvi
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on vehicle on-board diagnostic (OBD) dataVasa, Yashkumar U.
2016-04Data redundancy removal in object databases using clustering techniquesRaichaudhuri, Rittika
2014-04Enhancement in navigation system by unique taggingRajput, Gaurav Kumar
2014-04Estimation of FCC feed composition from routinely measured lab properties through ANN modelDasila, Prabha K.; Choudhury, Indranil R.; Saraf, D.N; Kagdiyal, V.; Rajagopal, S.; Chopra, S.J.
2014-05Fuzzy expert system based landfill operations management advisor and capacity estimation for landfill engineeringNarayanan, Aparna
2014-04Glaucoma diagnosis using hybrid neuro-fuzzy modelSille, Roohi
2016-04Hand gesture recognition and tracking using image processing techniquesChauhan, Shardul Singh
2016-04Human action recognition using multi-channel spatio-temporal interest pointsPurohit, Ayush
2016-04Insider trade monitoring system for corporate entities using NLP and machine learningPanga, Ravi Teja
2014-06Modelling simulation and optimization of dehydration and desalting processYusuf, Tarique Mohammad
2015-05Performance analysis for intrusion detection using data mining techniquesShivhare, Radhika
216-04Smart Adjustments : A machine learning approach to automate adjustment procedures in general ledgersHermon, Glen Bennet